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漂亮的幼儿园在县城 孩子们笑了 | 平利县第三幼儿园---迪卡建筑设计中心

发布日期:2022年07月08日 关注度:35916
漂亮的幼儿园在县城  孩子们笑了 | 平利县第三幼儿园---迪卡建筑设计中心
  • 项目名称

    平利第三幼儿园 主创团队
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  • 建筑面积

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  • 建筑设计

  • 室内设计

  • 景观规划

  • 主持建筑师

  • 主创团队

    田佳宾 欧吉勇 张琪 谭慧敏 卢庆银 傅会明 屠学良 张志刚 张策 丁凤群 陈健 王锌 陶合欣
  • 摄影


one+one= infinite


"Imagine what spring is like? Everything is revived, the warm sun wakes the senses from hibernation, the fields are dotted with gorgeous flowers, the breeze blows the fragrance of flowers, the mood is like a flower blooming, we are all romantic A star on a voyage, now you"re ready to explore this world of infinite possibilities"!

From zero to one, one is infinite

Meet the infinite ∞ 


The project is located in Pingli County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province. It is said that Pingli was the seat of the Nuwa family, one of the three emperors in ancient times. It was the place where Nuwa made stones to mend the sky. A house means to extract clues from its essence and history, and to explore a certain energy from historical changes and the atmosphere of urban change. As a mythical image standing in history, the civilization here undoubtedly gives us unlimited imagination and creative space.

女娲补天用五色石垒起炎黄大地的建筑文化,她抟土造人,并化生万物 ,为我们打开了新空间和新世界,使天地不再沉寂,而设计常常会在具象与抽象的循环往复中探索着。这渺小而又顽强的生命力仿佛在唤醒与宇宙天地的连结,激励着人类用新的方式建造自己的家,在和谐中布局新版图,以新视角展示地域文化。

Nuwa Butian used five-colored stones to build up the architectural culture of the Yanhuang earth. She made human beings and transformed all things, opened up new spaces and new worlds for us, and made the heaven and earth no longer silent, and design is often figurative and abstract exploring in the cycle. This small but tenacious vitality seems to be awakening the connection with the universe, inspiring human beings to build their own homes in new ways, laying out new territories in harmony, and showing regional culture from a new perspective.

建筑鸟瞰 以群山为背景



The entry point of this project is the thinking of the site, which is a reinterpreted prototype, a unity composed of space, time, matter and energy. The architectural form of 4041 square meters is represented by the "Mobius Ring" ∞ The infinity symbol is optimized, and it also symbolizes the educational concept of "from zero to one, one is infinity".

The 900 intention of architectural design should come from inexhaustible creativity! The pure and concise architectural form breeds a series of rich and changeable surrounding space forms. It is said that the form follows the function, and maybe no one follows the form. It is natural and the product of the interaction and adaptation of all spatial, physical and natural processes. .



A wonderful performance about the reflection of art and reality, which has opened the door to the beautiful and unknown, and the unknown is infinite. It is expected that the children here will always have the surprising unknown and the courage to move forward!

Children"s spiritual fortress


Restart and create, out of the
inherent mode 


The best way to explore the universe is to look inward. A blast of the universe means re-cognizing, restarting and creating, rather than letting children adapt to a single teaching environment of 1+1=2, and gradually do a cyclical cycle Addition and subtraction procedures, without some innovation, we hope to better integrate design thinking into China"s basic early childhood education, so that our children can better cope with this real and complex and diverse world in the future, and understand that design is not just a single The same is true of schools, hoping to jump out of the inherent model and find new thinking clues. In the era of traditional education, in addition to the knowledge transfer that basic education can give children, architecture can also bring children into different worlds.


"The education industry is the most in need of innovative design thinking, because they relate to the future of the world."



Pingli County Education Bureau takes education as the focus, pushes forward the construction of basic education, tries to convey multi-dimensional educational concepts and methods, and entrusts Dika Architectural Design Center to design Pingli No. 3 Kindergarten for it, looking forward to certain early capital investment and industrial Import, realize the cluster revitalization of scattered communities, aim to provide a better learning environment for local children and introduce new educational opportunities.

Let the building become the real cultural carrier and engine here, and also a bright existence in the underdeveloped community.



Effective design means to deeply understand the history of a place - its culture, geographical environment and customs. Through in-depth face-to-face communication and various considerations, we gradually understand that what is needed here is not only a kindergarten building, but also a kindergarten building. A concept, a blueprint to awaken the cherishing of children"s education in the whole society.





"Children, Shadows and Time in the Field"

The exterior of the building defines a dynamic space with a streamlined design, and children will explore with the ups and downs of the ground. The indoor stairs can quickly access the outdoor activity venue, the space is interconnected, the upper and lower are connected in series, the road forms a dynamic relationship, and the environment of infinite circulation provides a place where children can run freely as much as possible.




Yingguang Kernel x Imagination


Light and shadow meet, infinite
possibilities for collision


Seeing the sky, the whole body is covered by the universe, and at that moment, I feel that the soul begins to dissolve, spinning endlessly in the infinite eternal time and infinite space. Just like the encounter of light and shadow, it is almost everywhere, but with intention, it can collide with infinite possibilities.



"Architecture, air and light, are a wonderful way to shape the landscape."



将艺术融于生活的强烈意愿,进阶着人生的无限可能 ,我们将孩子们视为成长中的主体,建筑内环缩减具象形象的刺激,以隐喻规律的连环形态构筑探索天地,用简单的空间和界面唤起儿童身体律动与接触的本能。突出运动感和引导性,也形成了变化的空间体验与多样的视线关系,同时与公共空间互相表达。


"The corridor is reserved, a space-time utopia."

The strong desire to integrate art into life has advanced the infinite possibilities of life. We regard children as the main body of growth. The inner circle of the building reduces the stimulation of figurative images, and builds the world of exploration in the form of a metaphorical chain, using simple Spaces and interfaces evoke the child"s instinct for physical rhythm and contact. Highlighting the sense of movement and guidance, it also forms a changing space experience and diverse line-of-sight relationships, and at the same time expresses each other with the public space.

Between the flow of light and shadow, art is integrated into campus life, so that spontaneous curiosity and desire to explore are born in children"s hearts, and the movement and stillness of childhood return to the rhythm and law of children themselves.




"The world has no boundaries. Only by eliminating the sense of boundaries can the universe become more peaceful. Human beings need to progress. Regarding "selflessness" and "true self", one must arrive first, and small desires can be used torealize big nothingness. The closer we can get to the essence of the times, and the closer we can get to the critical point of stimulating creativity! Invisibility blurs the boundaries, and regaining freedom requires breaking the boundaries of thinking, and change is the eternal truth."




Taking children as the center, exploring the correspondence between children and the campus, we hope to create an environment where children and teachers can explore, play, live and learn together.

Just wanted to show: "Design and architecture may be philosophical, theoretical activities that we hope can inspire children to have a new sense of innovation".


任何适合的供给,都需要在反复考验中才能得到生存、壮大。打造“不局限于幼儿园”的理念,我们希望能用设计思维,提升创新的软实力和硬实力, 为世界的未来找到更多样的可能性”,给予有限空间无限想象,才能赋予幼儿校园生活的无限可能。

Any suitable supply needs to survive and grow after repeated tests. To create the concept of "not limited to kindergartens", we hope to use design thinking to enhance the soft power and hard power of innovation, and to find more possibilities for the future of the world." Only by giving limited space and unlimited imagination can we give children campus life of infinite possibilities.


The starting point of all things


Natural vitality field to create
spiritual breathing


The universe is worthy of our awe, and many elements in the universe are worthy of our study and reference. When we design this project, we will perfectly integrate the romanticism of the flatland architecture, the beautiful features of the flatland mountains and rivers, and the breadth and depth of the universe.



Embark on a journey to explore the connection between the infinite and the infinite, the far and the near, the grand and the intimate. It is a multi-stage exploration of time and space. This project hopes to invite the public to think and discover another new dimension.






"Mapping impressions,
Change and iteration breed imagination. "

Starting from the perspective and senses, use an amiable image and experience to awaken the childhood memories and dreams in the heart, let the natural wind participate in the experience of the venue, and the environment full of vitality will drive children to the most authentic audio-visual about nature. feel.

Consider children"s enjoyment of specific patterns of activity, such as circling, chasing, group activities, etc. The dynamic design of the corridor also arouses the emotions of children, making the activities of free exploration full of expectations and becoming a wonderful part of kindergarten life.





From the southwest to the northeast, the continuous ring corridor design connects the seemingly independent functional spaces into a coherent system. Different forms correspond to the lighting, vision, space and other needs of different places. Vision and light alsorelease energy for children to step into the learning space. We are eager to protect the beauty that children perceive, understand the deeper depths of children"s inner consciousness, and devote ourselves to Inherit the spirit of "fearlessness, freedom and perseverance" in the new generation.



In the multi-layered dimension of light and shadow, there is a process of curiosity about the unknown and self-introspection. We hope that this kindergarten is not only an educational place in function, but also a window of tranquility in spirit.

05 美好与力量 
Beauty and strength


finite and infinite


"Limited and Unlimited"
finite and infinite

Theologically: "If you remove or add a part from the infinity, you are left with the infinity." Philosophically: "The infinity can be attributed to space and time."





"Entrants and users endow buildings with humanistic attributes and vitality."

The foothold of the overall design still returns to the users of the space: children, the design of the large ramp is presented in a changeable form, and the height difference generates a three-dimensional order through rhythmic falls, guiding children through the space and embellishing the site. The children"s game installations bring richer colors, forms and functions to the whole activity space, and the children"s entry gives unique vitality to the campus environment.



Starting from multiple dimensions such as teaching, practice, and expansion, the layout of outdoor interesting spaces is intervened in the way of landscape, and the game corners of different scales have become the expansion of various activities in children"s after-school life. We try to create an environment that encourages communication. The practice base for young children, which explores and integrates into nature and life, has become the main place to inspire children, and various activities can happen randomly here.


By observing children"s behavior, we found that a lot of children"s fun comes from some simple physical behavior, let them run, climb, jump up and down!



Insights and Outdoor Practice

Innovation has no boundaries


Conrad: "Never-ending, innovation has no boundaries", and finally we decided to break the stereotype.





"Diversified roofs,
Be a place of freedom created by children. "

Through the analysis of factors such as lighting, ventilation, and landscape angle, we have established a new order in the campus, and the diversified roof has become a playground for children. It is not only a literal function, but also a space for children to communicate and communicate. The meeting place becomes a new type of place for campus life.


户外戏水池以 “水滴”为造型,“有形”又“无形”的特性为灵感,以大自然为教室,打造孩童可参与的互动的水生态活力区,也是孩童可以尽情嬉戏的场所。


The outdoor paddling pool is shaped by "water droplets", inspired by the characteristics of "tangible" and "intangible", and uses nature as a classroom to create an interactive water ecological vitality area that children can participate in, and it is also a place where children can play to their heart"s content.

Patterns are intertwined with symbolic themes to create not only a range of functionally adaptable outdoor environments, but also a playful educational environment for children. Promote children"s contact with water, so that children can easily pass through or enter the water, experience the excitement of walking on the water surface, and have an intimate and direct interaction with the river, hoping that children can become more brave in contact with nature.


尊重个体差异,尊重每个孩子年龄及性格的差异性,我们希望每个孩子都可以按照自己的方式探索有兴趣的东西,以自己的方式和速度进行学习 。

"In every process of finding a destination, we understand that creativity can make a happy flower bloom in an inconspicuous place, and it is our task to shape our imagination."

Respecting individual differences, respecting the differences in age and personality of each child, we hope that each child can explore things of interest in his own way and learn at his own way and speed.






"Leaving" from the field of design practice, focusing on more essential issues, using a small amount of techniques to express rich feelings, effectively building educational space, rather than excessive luxury.

Education should be "inspirational", and there should be an infinite sense of devotion to "invisible design". We hope to inherit the spirit of "fearlessness, freedom, and perseverance" in the new generation, and see it on the road of continuous exploration. Clear what you want to stick to, what to change, and what to promote! Only then can we discover the infinite fusion between design and education.



千锤百炼,燃烧锻造,从零到一,‍从有限到无限,从缥缈到硬核,在虚无朦胧与众目睽睽之中,初始的困难总是被无限的放大 ,而在这放大的背后是几百倍的聚焦力,我们在时间里执着的坚持着,专注于手中的考卷,希望用一个想法去表达生活的繁复,用一整个声音去表达整个宇宙!只是想把它化为一种影响力,化为一种激发大众的能力!

Thousands of tempering, burning and forging, from zero to one, from finite to infinity, from ethereal to hardcore, in the midst of obscurity and public eyes, the initial difficulties are always magnified infinitely, and behind this magnification is hundreds of times. We persist in the time and focus on the examination papers in our hands, hoping to express the complexity of life with one idea, and express the entire universe with one voice! Just trying to turn it into an influence, an ability to inspire the masses!



When a child steps into ∞ kindergarten, the movement that represents life turns to the next page. I hope that time will be fixed at the moment when every child is smiling. I hope that young people can always have this confidence and vigor. From this moment, transformation begins and life begins. Infinite Possibilities!






平利县虽偏远但一直以来对教育十分重视!既然要新建一所幼儿园 那就要找最好的设计师,他知道设计费一定不便宜就亲自来谈!

经过长时间的接触 我们被感动了,我们在资金十分有限的情况下答应了本次委托。





"Two years ago, the director of the Pingli County Education Bureau and his colleagues came to our studio in person. During the visit, we could feel the leadership"s vision, and his and his colleagues" enthusiasm for education. The director said that they came here because of the famous name. Yes, I hope we can use our ingenuity to design a good kindergarten for Pingli with low design cost and low construction cost.

Although Pingli County is remote, it has always attached great importance to education! Since he wants to build a new kindergarten, he must find the best designer. He knows that the design fee must not be cheap, so he will discuss it in person!

After a long period of contact, we were moved, and we agreed to this commission with very limited funds.

A big reason is their sincerity and their determination to do practical things for the common people. At the same time, we also hope to make some efforts to create a better educational environment for children in the mountains.

Facts have proved that this cooperation is very successful. During the construction, the directors and leaders of each department of the Education Bureau are very serious and responsible, and have overcome many difficulties. The workers are also diligently working overtime and paying!

After it was completed and put into use, we saw excellent principals and teachers who put a lot of effort into delivering the best quality courses for the children!

I would like to pay tribute to everyone who has contributed to this project. Children"s smiles are the best answer. "


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