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“科技太空舱”——济南金茂绿建科技展厅---HOT Design炽造设计

HOT Design炽造设计
发布日期:2022年11月15日 关注度:19220
“科技太空舱”——济南金茂绿建科技展厅---HOT Design炽造设计
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HOT DESIGN has recently completed an exhibition hall named "Technology Space Capsule", which is a very challenging process from conceptual design to construction.

Interior overview of Jinmao Science and Technology Exhibition Hall ©刘俊男

Interior of Jinmao Science and Technology Exhibition Hall ©刘俊男


The design of the exhibition hall has undergone the era of pure physical display, the era of artistic graphic display, the era of sound and light screen display, and the current era of cutting-edge intelligent interaction display. In the era of 5.0, how is the exhibition hall going to be? How will the exhibition hall bring the information and value to the audience? After deep researching, HOT Design team believes that the exhibition hall 5.0 era, compare to the former eras, pays more attention to the building of brand image, and this Jinmao Green Building Technology Exhibition Hall reflects the 5.0 era exhibit idea, and echoes the appeal of innovative exhibition experience.

Main Entrance of Green building technology experience center ©刘俊男

Brief Introduction


The project is located in the Yellow River Square in the CBD area of Hanyu Jingu, Jinan. With the area of 140 square meters, the exhibition hall has a neat and regular layout. Next to it is the Gree air-conditioning technology exhibition hall with a unified brand system. The focus of project is to answer the question of ‘how to create a brand-specific tonality belonging to JINMAO Green Building Technology, establish an outstanding flagship brand image in Jinan, as well as a differentiated exhibition hall’.

▼项目区位Location ©HOT Design炽造设计


JINMAO Green Building Exhibition Hall aims to display JINMAO"s most cutting-edge technologies, such as "fresh air technology system", "photovoltaic products", "capillary system", etc. All design concepts are based on "sense of technology" and "sense of the future". By bringing an immersive exhibit experience, HOT Design team decided to create an exhibition space through the ultimate creative approach.


Since the conventional ‘booth + exhibition wall’ mode is not competitive enough to express the brand characteristics, HOT Design team spent many efforts on exploring a reasonable, concise and efficient solution to JINMAO’s complex needs.

Design Concept:SPACE Capsule



We hope to create a joint theme exhibition space full of technology and immersion.

The design inspiration comes from the presentation of "space capsules" in sci-fi movies - it is a central console, with the integrated display screen series all around the space. It is an efficient tech workspace composed of ambient lighting, AI interactive voice and other futuristic elements.

▼星球大战游戏场景(图片源于互联网)Scene of STARWAR (Picture from the internet)

▼金茂绿建科技展厅对比效果 Compare to Green building technology experience center ©刘俊男



HOT Design team aimed to turn the hall itself to be an exhibit, which can bring immersive atmosphere to the audience;

The exhibition area is divided by several "cabins", which avoids the sense of limit space by using conventional walls. All space is shaped in order to create unique experience which reflect the spirit of Chinese gardens – seeing big space from small entrance.

▼“舱”模式(下图右侧)分隔打破了传统展览分隔(下图左侧)的闭塞性,极大地丰富了空间观展体验 “Cabin”Mode(right picture below)break the sense of closure in tradition exhibition mode(left picture below), enhance the visit experience ©HOT炽造设计


The exhibition mode applies the ‘integrated console (booth + display) at bottom+ built-in exhibition wall in the middle + hanging screen at the top’ space structure, instead of the traditional exhibition ‘wall + exhibits’ mode. In this way, visitors and audience can ‘control’ the manipulation of the exhibition in the first perspective.

▼全方位一体化的“舱”模式展厅 Integrated “cabin” mode showroom ©HOT炽造设计

▼展台与展厅和谐统一 Booths integrated into exhibition space ©HOT炽造设计

Design Method: Sphere Boolean Operation


The shape of the exhibition hall is formed by intersecting and overlapping spheres of different sizes and then negatively "cutting" them.

▼金茂绿建科技展厅分解轴测图 Exploded axon diagram ©HOT Design ©HOT炽造设计

▼金茂绿建科技展厅轴测图 Axon diagram ©HOT Design ©HOT炽造设计


The exhibition hall is divided into both primary and secondary entrances, entering from the center of the "entrance space sphere", which creates "prelude" of immersive experience. The main exhibition flow are cut through combination of different size and position of the sphere in the space. All exhibits are arranged along the outer edge of the sphere, and together with the two large booths in the center and the hanging display screens - which established the basic system of the exhibition hall.

▼金茂绿建科技展厅入口前厅 Entrance hall of Green building technology experience center ©刘俊男

Space System


We introduced the sphere as the geometric prototype of the exhibition space to make the exhibition more immersive in vision and hearing. Every sphere is a complete hall. When two main central exhibition halls are defined, the other small spheres are extension space generated through Boolean operations. All cavity spaces outside the sphere are used to hide structural components and equipment systems.

▼不同大小位置的球体切割出展厅空间 Exhibition space cut by various spheres ©HOT炽造设计

▼不同大小位置的球体空间序列关系 Spatial sequence relationship of various spheres ©HOT炽造设计

▼金茂绿建科技展厅的序厅与主厅连贯形成流动空间 Flowing space of entrance hall and preface hall ©刘俊男



The whole partition-free division method has obtained a free and complete visiting circulation. The circulation runs through and connects all the spherical spaces, and the ends of the flow line are the entrance and exit of the exhibition hall.

▼展厅内两个主厅串联起完成了流线空间 The two main hall connect and complete the circulation ©刘俊男

White Topic


Air cabins and science fiction movies often use pure white toreflect "future" and "technology". We made the whole exhibition hall into a pure white theme, the ground is made of white pvc floor, the main body shape is made of 8mm thick white acrylic laminated cantilevers, and the exhibition board, booth and soft decoration are also uniformly selected with white finish, which pushes the purity of the theme concept to the extreme.

▼金茂绿建科技展厅以白色为主题打造科技感氛围 Use white color to make scientific atmosphere ©刘俊男

Space Characteristic


We can use "cave feeling" and "space capsule" to describe this space. The arc interface formed by the intersection of the spheres makes audience feel like they are in the cabin. Combined with the pure white material atmosphere and linear lighting, a sense of future technology emerges spontaneously.

▼ “太空舱”概念展厅所特有的“洞穴感” Cave and space capsule concept ©刘俊男

▼ “洞穴感”剖面Cave Section  ©HOT炽造设计

Brand Image Window


The corner of the Yellow River Square is an excellent window for external display. HOT Design team cut out a spherical space as the "eye of the street corner" of the exhibition hall, hang the LED light box with the brand logo, and set up a booth below to display the latest flagship products of JINMAO Technology. Here, the "show field" like the camera "viewing frame" can tightly attract the people passing by the square, and perfectly realize the interaction between indoor and outdoor.

▼位于黄河广场的“街角之眼” Eye of the street conner ©刘俊男

▼从室内透过“街角之眼”可以看向室外 People is able to see the outside through the “eye” ©刘俊男

▼“街角之眼”与魔镜 the “eye” and magic mirror ©刘俊男

Composite Lighting


We use white soft film ceiling ring lights as the main lighting. Around the center of the exhibition area, we set up gradually expanding induction light strips as ambient lighting. The light strips on the floor mimic the water ripple. Gradually layered acrylic slices looks like the cosmic star trails, making the viewers feel like they are in a brand-new high-latitude extraterrestrial space.

▼顶部软膜天花照明和地面涟漪灯带组合打造极具科技动态感的展陈氛围 Soft film ceiling and ground light strips offer dynamic atmosphere ©刘俊男

▼地面涟漪灯带组合Ground light strips ©刘俊男

Display: Multi-Customization

定制 Customize
In order to achieve an immersive experience, we have completed integrated customization, from hanging LED screens, embedded display panels, and booths to VI systems, etc. The displays of the upper, middle, and lower levels of sight heights, combined with the sound environment created by the media, make an immersive effect happen.

▼展厅内展陈设备均为定制设计 Customized Exhibition devices ©刘俊男

Display board

The position of the exhibition board is obtained by negatively cutting the square of the spherical wall, and its position is set according to the exhibition circulation and correspondence between boards. Each exhibition board is also precisely customized according to the size of the exhibits.

▼展板内嵌于球状造型之内 Exhibition board embed in the sphere ©刘俊男

展台 Booth

We designed two stand-alone booths and two built-in booths for the showroom.
The independent booths are based on the cone shape, echoing the spherical space. Each booth is divided into six areas, which can be flexibly displayed with interactive screens. And 3-6 groups of exhibits can be displayed at the same time if necessary.

▼顶部软膜天花照明和地面涟漪灯带组合打造极简科技感氛围 Stand-alone Booth Based on the shape of cone ©刘俊男

▼嵌入式展台与飘板主体结构融为一体,以椭圆平台作为原型,用于展示零件产品 Build-in Booth merges with main structure, oval shape, design for component display ©刘俊男

Visual Brand Identity

The team has controlled all details of the visual brand identity design, includes the LOGO billboards in the corner space, the layout of the hanging exhibition boards, the booth interface, the guide text, etc. ,to ensure the harmony and unity with the overall space.

▼定制化的平面视觉设计 Customized Visual branding identity design ©刘俊男

Construction: Creative Digital Fabrication

The freedom of the form and the non-standard nature make construction a core technical difficulty. ROBOTICPLUS.AI, as the construction partner of the acrylic slices in this project, worked with the HOT DESIGN team to develop many innovative construction systems and technologies.

▼亚克力球状造型构造分析 Structure analysis of acrylic sphere ©HOT炽造设计

Considering the cost, buildability, and safety, we chose white acrylic as the main material and shaped the space by stacking slices. In order to have a column-free space, we adopted three fixed structure systems, acrylic arch stacking, aluminum alloy with the back panel, and ceiling traction keel, which was developed by ourselves, and we finally obtained an extremely safe and stable special-shaped space.

▼自主研发的亚克力结构数字建造体系 Self-developed acrylic digital construction system ©大界机器人

▼剖面构造图 Structure Section ©大界机器人

In order to meet the feasibility of construction and to ensure the visual effect of space, we worked with the contractor closely to conduct repeated deliberation and experiments on the cantilever length and thickness of the acrylic slices, the vertical spacing of the slices, the thickness of the back panel, the logic of the acrylic seam and the distance between the holes and seams. It was finalized that the design follows an 8mm thick slice with a 15cm cantilever, a 1mm thick back panel, and an equidistant layer height of 7.2cm. The position of the acrylic slice seams follows the principle of radial symmetry and alignment in the center, and a 2mm deformation width is reserved.

▼8mm厚亚克力飘板所带来的丰富空间层次8mm thick acrylic slice offer rich spatial feeling ©刘俊男

Through the digital disassembly of the 900 floating acyclic slices model, the main structure is divided into 9 major areas in units of spheres. each area and each slice has a corresponding number. After the factory completes the cutting process of the slices, they were transported to the site. The construction workers can easily locate and install them according to the number marked. This approach ensures that 2,671 floating panels can be assembled efficiently and accurately, and help us to achieve the goal of completing the construction within two months.

▼首层、10层、20层以及40层飘板编号图 Numbering map of first, 10th,20thand 40thslices ©大界机器人

Concealed Service: Invisible Equipment

Special-shaped Acrylic space needs to consider cleverly how to combine with new AC vents, fire sprinklers, smoke alarms, and inspection ports. The design places the AC in the outer space of the sphere, customizes the long-shaped air outlet, and hides it between the top floating plates. At the same time, elliptical equipment inspection openings are set up in accordance with the shape of the spherical roof plate, which ensures pure and unified spatial language to the greatest extent.

▼空调出风口与喷淋烟感等隐藏于亚克力层板中 AC vents, fire sprinklers and smoke alarms were hidden between the slices ©刘俊男

▼平面布置图 Plan ©HOT炽造设计

▼天花图 Reflected Ceiling Plan ©HOT炽造设计

▼ a-a剖面 a-a Section © HOT炽造设计

▼ b-b剖面 b-b Section © HOT炽造设计

▼ c-c剖面 c-c Section © HOT炽造设计




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