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发布日期:2022年08月10日 关注度:32656
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冬奥会非VIP接待中心位于河北张家口,是作为冬奥会媒体接待的重要酒店。记者们在酒店中进行重要的赛事报道。能够参与本项目,为全球瞩目的冬季奥运会贡献力量是PURI LIGHTING的荣幸。

Located in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, the Winter Olympics Non-VIP Reception Center is an important hotel for the media reception of the Winter Olympics. Therefore, it has become a place where reporters cover the important game. It is an honor for PURI LIGHTING to be able to participate in this project and contribute to the Winter Olympics, which has attracted worldwide attention.


The overall shape of the building is solemn and grand, and the surface materials are composed of stone and metal materials. The building"s skyline tops are decorated with overhanging cornice. We will evenly highlight the overhanging cornice with floodlights. Since the material of the cornice itself is metallic, it caused difficulties for our light casting work. After several rounds of experiments on site, we confirmed the proper power and angle of the lamps.


The main façade of the building is located on the Changcheng Xida Street, the most important road in Zhangjiakou, which is adjacent to the Zhangjiakou Municipal Government. This required us to deal with the lighting levels and at the same time to make it be in harmony with the surrounding environment. On the main facade of the building along the street, we emphasized the vertical elements of the building, making the building look more upright.


The interior design of the building is completed by CCD. The interior design continues the solemn, elegant and symmetrical layout of the architectural design, which equips the whole space with elements of traditional Chinese aesthetics. The interior designer made extensive use of wood color, so that the overall atmosphere is more subtle and restrained. Our lighting designs focus on the architectural details. The crystal installation in the central area of the hotel lobby is the highlight of the space, and this position is also the brightest position of the space.


The space connected to the reception area is the tea room, where the overall design highlights the restraint and mystery of traditional Chinese culture. We use linear light sources to guide people to walk into the interior space of the tea room. On the corridor heading to the tea room, the design of several groups of dry landscapes brings the restrained tone of the space to its peak. We did not set more light sources here, but kept the space quiet and elegant.


The height of the space on the first floor of the hotel is relatively high. We have increased the light source design of the facade to enrich the sense of hierarchy of the entire space. The vertical height of the space is not visually emphasized.


The hotel has many elements that are in line with the Winter Olympics. For example, the design of this chandelier adopts the shape of ice flower to highlight the theme of the Winter Olympics.


The Executive Lounge is an important social and conversation space of the hotel. We have created a comfortable and private space effect here. The brightness contrast of the space is appropriately enlarged, and the quality of light is particularly important in this space.


We have tried linear light sources to outline the space of the swimming pool. The entire pool space is all in the form of indirect light, so that people will not be disturbed by glare, and they can experience the comfort and leisure of the hotel.


Guest room is an important space for guests to have a rest, and it is also the place where guests spend the longest time. Guests rest here and enjoy the tranquility without being disturbed. The gentle light on the wall, accent lighting for reading, highlight expression of artworks, convenient and appropriate scene switching panels, etc., have all constituted a considerate and thoughtful lighting system in the guest room.



